Shih-Chuan Chen


序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2015
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.19 No.1
作者 陳世娟;邵婉卿
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系助理教授;國家教育研究院編譯發展中心助理研究員

在網路資訊和數位內容為主流的世紀,使用電子載具進行閱讀已經成為現代人生活中不可或缺的一部份,本研究即在調查臺灣成年民眾數位閱讀使用載具的現況及其數位閱讀內容的行為。本研究採電話問卷訪談,成功訪談樣本數為1,089 份。調查結果為臺灣成年民眾使用數位閱讀的載具多是桌上型電腦,平常進行數位閱讀主要是瀏覽網頁與查詢資訊;有接近一半的民眾表示會每天都會進行數位閱讀,九成以上的民眾是在住家或宿舍進行數位閱讀;民眾數位閱讀內容,依序是新聞、社群網絡,近七成的民眾得知數位閱讀內容的管道是自己上網查得;民眾進行數位閱讀的主要目的是休閒娛樂,偏好數位閱讀內容的呈現形式是以文字為主,並較喜歡閱讀一次可以讀完的短篇數位內容;有五成的民眾表示持有行動載具後進行數位閱讀的頻率增加;民眾認為數位閱讀的優點是隨時可上網閱讀,缺點為眼睛容易疲勞。本調查結果發現性別、年齡、教育程度等人口變項皆會影響臺灣民眾使用電子載具及進行數位閱讀的行為。

關鍵字 數位閱讀線上閱讀螢幕閱讀閱讀載具電子書
頁碼 41-69
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Title A Survey of Taiwanese Adults’ Digital Reading Devices and Behavior
Author Shih-Chuan Chen, Wang-Ching Shaw
Author's title Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Sciences, Fu Jen Catholic University;

The Internet and digital reading are indispensable and important for modern people in the 21th century. The purpose of this study is to explore the current state of digital reading of Taiwanese adults and to investigate their digital reading behavior. The method of telephone interviews was used in this study, with a total of 1,089 interviews successfully conducted. We limited our participants to adults aged 20 and totally got 1,089. Most Taiwanese adults used desktop computers as their digital reading carrier to browse the web and query information. Half of the participants expressed that they conduct digital reading daily. Most of the participants conducted daily digital reading at home or dorm. The priority of the participants’ digital reading contents was news, the social network, and contents from Internet searching engines. Some of the digital reading purposes were entertainment. More than half of the participants prefer to read the text-based digital contents and short articles in digital format. About half of the participants expressed that their digital reading frequency increases after they use digital reading tools. The participants thought that the advantage of digital reading is its accessibility at any time, while the shortcoming of digital reading is eye fatigue. We found that using digital reading carriers for digital reading has been very popular in Taiwan, and gender, age, education and other demographic variables would affect the use of digital reading carriers.

Keywords digital readinge-booksOnline readingreading devicesscreen reading
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序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2014
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.18 No.1
作者 陳世娟;邵婉卿
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系助理教授;國家教育研究院編譯發展中心助理研究員

21 世紀是以網際網路和數位資訊為主流的世紀,使用網路已經成為現代人生活中不可或缺的一部份,因此培養良好的網路素養十分重要。本研究旨在探討臺灣民眾自我認知網路素養的程度及與其背景變項之間的關係。
本研究採電話問卷訪談,成功訪談樣本數為1,078 份。研究結果發現,臺灣20 歲以上網路使用者平均每週上網時數為22 小時,主要上網目的是查找資料、與人聯繫、隨意瀏覽與休閒娛樂;幾乎所有上網民眾都會透過搜尋引擎尋找資料。使用網路地點主要是住家或宿舍, 98% 的民眾使用桌上型電腦或筆記型電腦上網。76% 的民眾會評估從網路搜尋而得資料的正確性,96% 的民眾自認為具有判斷網路資訊可信度的能力,主要是依據網站的可信度及直覺判斷,最重要的判斷指標是正確性。約半數民眾在網路上尋找資料時,會留意資料的來源出處,僅28% 的民眾認為一般網路上的資料是可靠的,絕大部分民眾認為網路的資訊真假參半。超過半數民眾認為上網尋找相關建議、根據經驗法則以及閱讀相關書籍可以培養自己判斷網路資訊的能力。絕大部分的民眾認為在網路上發布針對別人情緒性的言論是不好的示範、是不道德的,可能會觸法,過半數的民眾在網路上看到毀謗別人的言論覺得不應該,因為不希望自己也如此被毀謗。本研究調查的結果可供網路素養教育政策和課程設計時的參考。

關鍵字 網路素養資訊品質資訊素養資訊評估
頁碼 33-57
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Title A Survey of the Taiwanese Network Literacy
Author Shih-Chuan Chen; Wang-Ching Shaw
Author's title Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Sciences, Fu Jen Catholic University; Assistant Research Fellow, Compilation and Translation Development Center, National Academy for Educational Research
The Internet and digital information are indispensable for modern people in the 21st century. Network literacy is thus important for everyone. The purpose of this study is to explore the self-perceived network literary of Taiwanese adults and to investigate the relationship between network literacy and demographic variables. The method of telephone interviews was used in this study, with a total of 1,078 interviews successfully conducted. We limited our participants to adults aged 20 and above and found that Taiwanese adults visited the Internet 22 hours per week on average. Their major purposes included finding information, connecting with people, browsing, and entertainment. Almost all participants used search engines to find information. Participants primarily connected to the Internet at home or in the dormitory. 98% of the participants owned personal computers or notebooks. 76% reported that they evaluated the accuracy of the information retrieved from the Internet. 96% of the participants perceived the confidence of judging the reliability of information on the Internet, the judgment based on the website’s authority or sometimes on personal intuition. About half of the participants paid attention to the information sources. Only 28% reported that they believed information on the Internet to be reliable. Most participants agreed that information on the Internet was mixed with the true and the false. The majority preferred to improve their own network literacy by themselves. Over half of participants reported that they enhanced their judgment by using such methods as reviewing recommendations from others, accumulating experiences, or reading relevant books. Almost all participants agreed that distributing emotional messages on the Internet was an improper and immoral conduct. Half disapproved of the libel on the Internet and they did not like to be defamed by other people. Findings of this study can be helpful in making policies and designing curriculum on network literacy.
Keywords information assessmentinformation literacyinformation qualitynetwork literacy
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