

序號 1
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2013
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.17 No.1
作者 王梅玲
作者任職單位 政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所教授

教育部自2006 年開始推動數位學習碩士在職專班,目前已有九校提供數位碩士班。數位學習是一種新的學習型式,在課程教授時有別於傳統教學,許多教師正在摸索數位課程的教學方法。回顧我國數位課程教學法相關研究,鮮有文獻,故本議題值得探討。本論文旨在探討數位課程的教學法與應用,研究目的包括:(1) 探討數位課程的教學法原理;(2) 探討數位課程教學法模式的發展;(3) 探討教學法模式應用於數位課程的教學與成效。本論文採用個案研究方法,以政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所開設的「知識組織與資訊取用」數位課程為研究個案,運用Dabbagh 的數位學習教學法模式框架,包括教學法模式、教學策略與學習科技,以發展數位課程教學法與教學策略。本研究證實建構主義教學模式與專題導 向教學模式適合應用在數位課程教學,並配合提出四項教學策略與線上同步課程傳遞方式,最後總結及提出建議。

關鍵字 圖書資訊學教育教學法數位學習數位課程網路教學線上課程
頁碼 1-21
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DOI 10.6146/univj.17-1.01
Title The Development of Pedagogical Model for an “Information, Organization and Access” E-Learning
Author Mei-Ling Wang
Author's title Professor, Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, National Chengchi University

The ROC Ministry of Education established an accreditation mechanism in 2005 and encouraged the launch of E-Learning master programs for students in full-time employment in 2006. As E-Learning is basically learning that is facilitated and supported by information and communications technology, it is a new way of learning not only changing the relationship between of teachers and students; but also changing the nature of education. Because E-Learning is different from classroom learning and it needs new instructional design. The article mainly studies E-Learning courses instructional design and the objectives of the study are to explore E-Learning course instructional design theory and pedagogy. Also, development of Library and Information Science digital curriculum applying theory to the design and implementation of Library and Information Science E-Learning courses. The case study method was used in the study with one case of “Information, ganization and Access” E-Learning course of NCCU Library and formation Studies E-Learning Master’s Program. The study followed the Pedagogical Design Model proposed by Dr. Dabbagh showing the E-Learning pedagogical model framework by the interaction of pedagogical models, instructional strategies, and learning technology. The study shows that the NCCU has contributed a lot to provide graduate students a new way to learn E-Learning, information literacy and LIS new knowledge and skills. Effective E-Learning instructional design shown in the study were learners centeredness and good student-teacher interaction. Two effective pedagogies for E-Learning courses were manipulated including constructivist learning and project-based learning in accordance with four effective instructional strategies.

Keywords e-learninglibrary and information science educationonline coursespedagogyweb-based instruction
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DOI 10.6146/univj.17-1.01


序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2007
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.11 No.1
作者 柯君儀;王梅玲
作者任職單位 財團法人資訊工業策進會資料服務中心館員;國立政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所教授


關鍵字 圖書資訊學教育就業市場工作能力新興市場碩士教育
頁碼 97-116
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Title Study on Employment Market and Education of Library and Information Science Master Program in Taiwan
Author Chun-Yi Ko; Mei-Ling Wang
Author's title Librarian, Computing Information Service Center, Institute for Information Industry; Professor, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science, National Chengchi University

It has been twenty-five years since National Taiwan University established its Master Programs of Library and Information Science (LIS) in 1980. But there is no any research about LIS Master graduates. It is very important to know the employment situation and work competence of LIS Master graduates. The research uses questionnairs to investigate LIS Master graduates in the past 5 years. The purpose of this research is to understand the LIS Master graduates' employment status and the working skills. According to the result, it makes some suggestions to LIS for designing curiculum in the future.

Keywords Education of Library and Information ScienceEmerging MarketEmployment MarketMaster EducationWork Competence
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序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2009
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.13 No.1
作者 王梅玲;蔡佳縈
作者任職單位 國立政治大學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所;國立臺灣大學圖書館特藏組館員


關鍵字 圖書資訊學教育圖書資訊學教育指南圖書資訊學教育評鑑臺灣
頁碼 56-84
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009.13-1.03
Title The Development of the Guidelines for Library and Information Science Educational Programs in Taiwan
Author Mei-Ling Wang; Chia-Ying Tsai
Author's title Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies, National Chengchi University; Librarian, Special Collections Department, National Taiwan University Library

The Library and Information Science Education Guidelines play an important role in outlining the criteria for evaluating higher education in Taiwan. This study focuses on the development of those Guidelines. Having first assessed the relevant research in this area, we collected library and information science education standards and guidelines currently used in the U.K. and the U.S.A. The content analysis method was then used to draft the Preliminary Guidelines for Library and Information Science Educational Programs in Taiwan. Four focus group interviews were conducted to obtain a consensus on the key elements and content of the Guidelines. Participants of these interviews came from four target groups of Guidelines, namely, teachers in library and information science departments, directors of library and information science departments, librarians, and graduate students from library and information science graduate institutes. The final Guidelines covered seven categories: the definition and scope of the discipline of library and information science, the task and objectives of the discipline, curriculum, faculty, students, administration, teaching resources and facilities. Under the seven categories were 27 items and 40 indexes. Approved by the 2008 Annual Conference of the Chinese Association of Library and Information Science Education, these Guidelines are applicable to universities, graduate institutes, degree programs, and continuing education departments in Taiwan.

Keywords Evaluation of library and information science educationGuidelines for library and information science educational programslibrary and information science educationTaiwan
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009.13-1.03