Digital Libraries

數位圖書館資源組織與整理:機讀編目格式與Dublin Core

序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.3 No.2
作者 羅思嘉
作者任職單位 國立成功大學講師

隨著電腦與網路科技的運用,網路上有越來越多的資訊,儼然形成了另一個形式的圖書館。如何有效的組織檢索網路上各種不同的資源,一直是資訊使用者與整理者所希望解決的議題。機讀編目格式一直是圖書館作業自動化後整理組織圖書館資源的依據,但是否適合處理網路資源,討論聲音一直不斷。本文擬就機讀編目格式與Dublin Core發展背景,資料欄位架構,並就兩者資料結構來探討不同格式處理網路資源的議題與適用性。

關鍵字 元資料數位圖書館機讀編目格式資料組織
頁碼 50-68
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Title The Organization of Materials in Digital Libraries: MARC vs. the Dublin Core
Author Szu-chia Lo
Author's title Lecturer, National Cheng Kung University

With the growth of the information on the Internet, Internet forms a different type of libraries. It has been an issue on how to organize the information on the Internet and access effectively. The Machine Readable Catalog (MARC) format has been the standard of creating the records for the library collection. Is MARC right for the Internet sources? This article looks into the characters of MARC and Dublin Core to outlines the issues on organizing Internet sources.

Keywords Digital LibrariesDublin CoreMARCOrganization of Materials
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從使用者觀點探討古文書及檔案之使用: 以平埔研究人員為例

序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 7月
卷期 Vol.3 No.3
作者 林珊如;李郁雅
作者任職單位 國立台灣大學圖書資訊學系副教授;國立台灣大學圖書資訊學系碩士班三年級


關鍵字 使用者研究數位圖書館自然探究法詮釋資料資訊搜尋與使用行為資訊需求
頁碼 65-80
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Title Exploring Information Use of Historical Records and Archives: From the User’s Point of View.
Author Shan-ju Lin Chang; Yu-ya Lee
Author's title Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science; Graduate Student Department of Library and Information Science

As a part of the national effort towards developing digital libraries, the NTU DL/M project has the initial goal of digitizing the scare historical records of Taiwan collected in the National Taiwan University Library, and some special collections from the Department of Anthropology, such as maps, photos, and articles of ethnic Taiwanese groups. These collections are raw materials valuable to the research community. But how those scholars or researchers make use of such a DL, especially how they interact with the information provided, is an important issue that has not been addressed. This paper reports the study of Taiwan research scholars, their tasks, activities and interactions with various resources. The results reveal why and how those scholars apply the tacit knowledge to their activities in order to acccomplish their tasks and in their use of resources such as historical records. Implications for system design and information organization are also discussed.

Keywords Digital LibrariesInformation needsInformation seekingInformation useMetadataNaturalistic inquiryUser studies
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序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2002
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.6 No.2
作者 林珊如
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系

國內一般數位圖書館網站多是由資料供應單位與系統設計者提出,鮮少考慮使用者的角度。本文以國科會主題計畫網站「淡水河溯源」為例,說明運用多元方法進行使用者評估的實證研究,並試圖提出一個數位圖書館與博物館使用者研究的應用模式。 本研究的假設前提為真正有價值的網站是與使用者的工作生活相融合,因此必須根基於使用者現實世界的資訊需求與行為習慣。本主題網站目標之一為支援鄉土教育,而教學網站包括教與學,擁有教師與學生不同的使用者群,如何設計有價值的教學網站必須兼顧不同使用族群與不同的使用目的與任務,其根基在於深入瞭解他們日常工作生活的現實。本研究的結果在網站建置階段可協助系統及內容建置小組充實其內容並改進介面之設計。

關鍵字 初等教育教師需求數位圖書館網站使用性鄉土教育需求評估
頁碼 51-64
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Title An Empirical Investigation into Digital Library Users : A Case Study of Taiwan Digital Museum Dan-Shwei River
Author Shan-ju Lin Chang
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, NTU

Most digital libraries in Taiwan are designed by content providers and system designers. The purpose of this research attempts to propose a user study model for empirical investigation of web users, using a case study of Taiwan Digital Museum Dan-Shwei River as an example. This article reports the multiple methods used and the results found in this study, including the design principles and some substantial suggestions for practice.

Keywords Digital Librarieselementary educationinformation needs assessmentteachersUsability testUser studies
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序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2002
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.6 No.1
作者 張陳基
作者任職單位 南亞技術學院

隨著網路資源的盛行,讀者所接觸之資訊來源也漸趨多元化,各種資料來源、類型以及使用方式也對讀者造成沉重的負擔。圖書館基於提供資訊服務的立場上,除了為讀者整理網路資源之外,也應該思考如何為讀者提供一種簡單而易用的檢索方式,設計規劃一多元化資訊檢索介面,整合各項資訊來源,將各種資料之查詢介面整合在圖書館WebPAC查詢介面中。本文將介紹利用Open URL技術及編碼原則,透過不同系統的查詢指令分析,將讀者所查詢的字串直接傳送至其他資料來源伺服器上,除了可以為讀者蒐集資訊資源之外,更進一步為讀者提供整合式檢索介面,方便讀者查詢資料。以南亞技術學院圖書館WebPAC為個案研究,依實際需求整合各項資訊來源,除了建立個別圖書館特色的檢索介面,並且可以引導讀者查詢相關資源。

關鍵字 多元化資訊數位圖書館資訊檢索開放式URL
頁碼 82-93
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Title The Design and Implementation of Integrated Interface for Information Retrieval System in Libraries
Author Chen-chi Chang
Author's title Nanya Institute of Technology

With the growth of the Internet, readers have access to a growing array of information resources. The number and variety of these resources, however, have created new difficulties for users. Based on its commitment to information services, the library has collected resources and designed a simple way to retrieve various sorts of information. To integrate the information retrieval interface, we employ an OpenURL to automate the transfer of the user's query to different information servers. Nanya Library's WebPAC integrates information resources, including nearby university collections, electronic books, and Internet bookstores.

Keywords Digital Librarieshybrid informationInformation retrievalopenURL
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