Economic value


序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2010
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.14 No.2
作者 李?毅;陳昭珍;楊智晶
作者任職單位 南台科技大學圖書館組員;臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所教授;南台科技大學圖書館館長


關鍵字 假設市場評估法投資報酬經濟價值電子資源願付價格
頁碼 174-188
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2010.14-2.08
Title The ROI of Electronic Resources: A Case Study of Southern Taiwan University Library
Author Chih-Yi Lee; Chao-Chen Chen; Chih-Ching Emily Yang
Author's title Librarian, Southern Taiwan University Library; Professor, Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies,National Taiwan Normal University; Professor, Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies,National Taiwan Normal University; Library Director, Southern Taiwan University Library

Searching databases and subscriptions available online has proven to be the most expedient means for library users to acquire information needed. The library arguably bears such a mission to make available as much information online as possible. However, the cost for a library to upgrade and expand their e-services seems to be rather high, amidst school’s limited budget. Relevant ROI studies would apparently be needed to help validate the spending on a library’s online digital services. This research conducts the following three ROI assessments to investigate the case relating to Southern Taiwan University Library. First, using a contingent valuation method, a survey done to determine the ROI based on the fees users are willing to pay for e-services. Second, in reference to the service value calculator the Massachusetts Library Association uses, ROI is done based on inter-library loans and usage. Third, using the model of University of Illinois’s study in which e-resources has been proven effective for proposals to secure outside funding, ROI case in point is positive. The conclusion shows the positive economic value for Southern Taiwan University Library to invest on e-resources.

Keywords Contingent Valuation MethodEconomic valueElectronic resourceReturn on investmentWillingness to pay
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2010.14-2.08