electronic reference services


序號 10
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2004
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.8 No.1
作者 蔡碧芳
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館特藏組

近年來圖書館為因應科技發展與使用者需求,以數位方式進行的參考服務隨之而生。本研究以文獻分析和問卷調查,探討數位參考服務 之意義、內涵、形式與實施狀況,同時瞭解我國大學圖書館位樣參考服務的現況及對其之看法。研究顯示我國部分的大學圖書館數位參考服務,電子郵件是最普遍使用的方式,國內外大學圖書館數位參考服務差異最大的在於線上交談,而聯合數位參考服務是未來的趨勢之一。

關鍵字 大學圖書館數位參考服務聯合數位參考服務虛擬參考服務電子參考服務
頁碼 193-216
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Title The Digital Reference Services Development of University Libraries in Taiwan
Author Pi-fang Tsai
Author's title Special Collections Department, NTU Library

To meet users' need and respond to the development of technology, libraries have begun to devote themselves to digital reference services recently. The study uses literature review and questionnaire survey to explore the following issues: the meaning, scope, forms of digital reference services, and the experiences and attitude toward it. According to the survey, most university libraries in Taiwan provide digital reference services, and E-mail is the most popular form. The local difference between Taiwan and foreign countries is online chatting, and collaborative digital reference services are considered he trend in the future.

Keywords collaborative digital reference servicesdigital reference serviceselectronic reference servicesUniversity librariesvirtual reference services
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