

序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2015
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.19 No.1
作者 于 第;陳昭珍
作者任職單位 景文科技大學應用外語系副教授兼圖資長暨國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所博士後選人;國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所教授兼教務長


關鍵字 在職訓練課程編目養成教育編目館員資訊組織
頁碼 70-90
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Title On-the-job Training Curriculum and Education for Cataloger
Author Ti Yu, Chao-Chen Chen
Author's title Associate Professor, Department of Applied Foreign Languages, Jinwen University of Science and Technology;Professor of Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies, Dean of Academic Affairs, Taiwan Normal University

Information organization is one of the core professional works in library, and its functions have continuously changed as time goes by. In the era of Internet, professional catalogers encounter more challenges. Therefore, on-the-job training and educating catalogers seems to be more important than ever. Three research questions are proposed in this study. First, what training curriculums are needed for educating catalogers? Second, what is the development of the on-the-job training curriculums for catalogers in Taiwan? Third, what additional training curriculums are needed for educating catalogers? Based on the results of literature review and content analysis, this study proposes two
dimensions to design and plan the training curriculum. One is the core knowledge and skill on the topic of information organization; the other is the emerging concept and technology on the topic of information organization. In addition, this study presents three principles of designing the on-the-job training curriculums for catalogers: (1) from the local to the global, (2) combining theory with practice, and (3) grasping emerging knowledge and the trends of technology.

Keywords catalogereducation for catalogingInformation Organizationon-the-job training curriculum
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