Higher education


序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2002
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.6 No.2
作者 林麗娟;張淳淳
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系

以網路進行各種型式的教學日益普遍,網路在教學的應用上得以擴展。利用網路提供圖書資利用知識也逐漸的為許多圖書館使用。網路化教學可以突破時空的限制,達到教學的目的,而且也可以補足傳統面對面教學的不足。透過網際網路溝通的功能,例如:電子郵件、電子佈告欄、討論區、線上交談等功能,不但可以加速教學,而且能夠提供學生新型態的學習途徑,讓學生藉由網路,達成必要的學習互動,並增進資訊的交換與學習。 網路化學習固然使得學生、教師、館員之間的互動更具彈性,且不受時間與空間的限制,但在推廣與實施上仍然具有一些潛在的問題值得深入探討。本文的目的即在於藉由一大學網路化圖書資訊利用教學系統的開發與應用,討論網路化學習對於資訊素養推廣的潛力,以及在推廣上的瓶頸。

關鍵字 圖書館利用教育網路教學資訊素養高等教育
頁碼 31-43
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Title Development and Evaluation of a Web-Based Library Instruction
Author Lih-juan ChanLin; Chwen-chwen Chang
Author's title Department of Library & Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

With the increased popularity of WWW (World Wide Web) in various education settings, the application of web technology in teaching and learning is extended. Library instruction, likewise, is seeing a move to the web to supplement traditional modes of face-to-face classroom instruction. Placing library instruction on the web can make instruction available to users without the constraints of time and space. Through the use of technological tools, such as e-mail, bulletin board, discussion, and online-communication, effective learning and interaction can be achieved.Web-based learning provides a flexible way for communication among teachers, students, and librarians. However, potential problems exist in practice, requiring further exploration. The paper deals with how a web-based library instruction has been developed and implemented for offering fundamental information literacy instruction. Students' responses to the instructional materials were assessed. Issues related to the web-based library instruction are also discussed.

Keywords Higher educationinformation literacylibrary instructionWeb-based learning
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序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2003
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.7 No.1
作者 魏令芳
作者任職單位 東吳大學圖書館編目組組長

自1974年Paul Zurkowski 提出資訊素養的觀念之後,對大學資訊素養課程方面的研究並不多見。無論如何,為培養未來具資訊素養的國民作準備,高等教育應重視資訊素養有關之教育議題。鑑此本研究目的為探討大學資訊素養課程,除文獻回顧以瞭解大學資訊素養有關之教育內容、課程發展程式、教學方法、評鑑方式與相關教學研究外,並問卷調查33為授課教師對課程設計方面的看法,研究之結果有助未來大學資訊素養課程規劃之參考。

關鍵字 資訊素養資訊能力高等教育
頁碼 119-143
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Title Information Literacy Curriculum in Higher Education
Author Ling-Fang Wei
Author's title Head, Cataloguing Division, Soochow University Library

Few students have been done on information literacy curriculum in higher education since Paul Zurkoski introduced the concept “information literacy” in 1974. However, higher education must shift focus to putting more efforts to prepare for the growth of information-literature citizen. Questionnaires were submitted to 33 teachers both in Taiwan and the U.S. to explore their perceptions of teaching information literacy, including teaching audience, course objectives, instructional modes, course contents, evaluation methods, and related learning resource. The results represents here could beneficial to education attempting to design effective information literacy programs.

Keywords Higher educationInformation competenciesinformation literacy
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2010
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.14 No.2
作者 林麗娟
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系教授


關鍵字 圖書資訊教育就業職場滿意度課程高等教育
頁碼 27-47
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2010.14-2.02
Title Analysis of Alumni’s Reflections toward LIS Education and Their Job Satisfaction
Author Lih-Juan ChanLin
Author's title Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Fu-Jen Catholic University

To assess various aspects of LIS education and job satisfaction, a survey was conducted among alumni of the Department of Library and Information Science at Fu-Jen Catholic University. From a set of questionnaire items, with regard to “goal and curriculum”, “the space fulfilled my learning needs” was rated the highest, and “the courses offered satisfied my job needs” was the lowest. Among the items in competitive ability, job adaptability, and job satisfaction, “information literacy” was the most highly rated, and both “programming skills” and “foreign language proficiency” were the lowest rated for satisfaction. Comparison between library and other professionals, respondents’ reactions toward some of the items differed significantly. Open-ended suggestions for future curriculum design were also provided from qualitative data.

Keywords CurriculumHigher educationJob satisfactionLibrary and information education
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2010.14-2.02