序號 |
5 |
刊名 |
大學圖書館 |
年份 |
1997 |
出版月份 |
4月 |
卷期 |
Vol.1 No.2 |
作者 |
王美鴻 |
作者任職單位 |
國立交通大學共同科目通識教學組講師 |
摘要 |
關鍵字 |
圖書館管理 / 大學圖書館 / 組織文化 /
頁碼 |
53-68 |
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Review |
Title |
Organizational Change in University Libraries: The Organizational Culture Perspectives |
Author |
Mei-Hung Wang |
Author's title |
Instructor, Division of Gerenal Education, National Chiao Tung University |
Abstract |
Due to the impact of new technologies and the modification of the University Law the working process and organizational structure of university libraries have being changed significantly. Considerations of the organizational changes should include two entwined aspects the technical and the cultural. This paper examines the organizational change from the aspect of organizational culture. First the definition and scope of organizational culture are discussed. Second the relationship of leadership and organizational culture is proposed. Finally the author raises four issues on organizational change from the organizational culture perspectives: 1. the cultural fitness 2. the organizational change gap 3. The communication skill of leadership and 4. the ever changing organizational culture.
Keywords |
Library management / Organizational culture / University library /
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