Information retrieval


序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 7月
卷期 Vol.1 No.3
作者 曾元顯
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系副教授

圖書館的「線上公用目錄」(On-Line Public Access Catalog, OPAC)系統,是提供讀者查詢圖書館館藏資料的重要工具,也是早期資訊檢索技術主要的應用方向。本文即以輔仁大學圖書館為例,說明整合新一代資訊檢索技術於 OPAC 系統的實施現況。我們運用非營利機構可獲得的先進檢索引擎,輔以自行發展的關鍵詞擷取技術,完成具備重要性排序、近似字串、模糊搜尋、相關詞回饋、允許近似自然語言檢索字串的 OPAC 系統。初步的評估發現,這樣的系統對協助使用者簡化查詢條件、拓展檢索字彙、提昇檢索成效有相當的助益。

關鍵字 模糊搜尋相關詞回饋線上公用目錄資訊檢索近似自然語言
頁碼 82-93
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Title Advanced Information Retrieval Technology for Online Public Access Catalog System
Author Yuen-Hsien Tseng
Author's title Associate Professor, Department of Library & Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

The On-Line Public Access Catalog (OPAC) system is an important tool in helping users to retrieve information from a large volume of data stored in a library. However, recent advances in information retrieval technologies have not yet been applied to most OPAC systems. This paper introduces the development of a novel OPAC system which applies a free advanced search engine available from the Internet and an automatic keyword extraction function developed by the Department of Library and Information Science. The resultant features of the OPAC system include relevance ranking, fuzzy search, relevance feedback, and query by quasi-natural language. Results show that such a system greatly simplifies query formulations and automatically prompts more relevant search vocabulary to the users, thus improving the performance of an OPAC system to a higher degree.

Keywords Fuzzy searchInformation retrievalNatural languageOPACRelevance feedback
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序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1998
出版月份 1月
卷期 Vol.2 No.1
作者 陳光華
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館學系助理教授


關鍵字 自然語言資訊檢索跨語資訊檢索
頁碼 87-99
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Title Traverse Language Barriers of Information Retrieval
Author Kuang-hua Chen
Author's title Assistant Professor, Department of Library Science, National Taiwan University

The purpose of research for information retrieval (IR) is to fulfill information need. IR has eradicated many information barriers from the very beginning. With the fast development of computer networks, the Internet has turned the world into a global village. But when the Internet users try to locate documents in different language, the once implicit language barrier becomes real and crucial. This paper attempts to explore the language barrier underlying the process of information retrieval, the possible solutions of this barrier, and a comparison of the performance of cross-language information retrieval and monolingual information retrieval systems.

Keywords Cross-language information retrievalInformation retrievalNatural language
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序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 7月
卷期 Vol.3 No.3
作者 黃慕萱;陳明君
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系教授;國立臺灣大學圖書館特藏組


關鍵字 檢索問題資訊尋求資訊檢索
頁碼 11-32
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Title An Empirical Study on Information Seeking and Information Retrieval—Focusing on the Role of Questions
Author Mu-hsuan Huang; Ming-chun Chen
Author's title Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University; Special Collection Department, N T U Library

This article analyzes the information seeking and information retrieval behavior of undergraduate and graduate students at National Taiwan University when using PsycLIT database. 52 subjects were studied through the semester, carrying out 58 searches. This study investigates information seeking and information retrieval by analyzing the use and influence of questions.

Keywords Information retrievalInformation seekingQuestion
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序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 1月
卷期 Vol.3 No.1
作者 陳光華
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系助理教授


關鍵字 元資料資訊擷取資訊檢索
頁碼 17-28
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Title The Core Technique for Information Retrieval
Author Kuang-hua Chen
Author's title Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University

The purpose of researches for information retrieval is to fulfill the information need. The various techniques for information retrieval are proposed to adapt to the diversified information types. This paper manages to deliberate the importance of metadata and suggests that information retrieval via metadata be applied to various types of information. From this viewpoint, the technique of information retrieval via metadata could be regarded as the core technique. In addition, the author also discusses three levels of metadata: statically authority-controlled metadata, dynamically authority-controlled metadata, and user-oriented metadata.

Keywords Information extractionInformation retrievalMetadata
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序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 黃怡如
作者任職單位 臺北縣政府教育局


關鍵字 互動回饋使用者研究檢索詞彙資訊尋求行為資訊檢索
頁碼 119-146
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Title An Analysis of Changes in Search Terms During Information Retrieval Interactions
Author Yi-ju Huang
Author's title Taipei County Education Bureau

This article explores types of changes in search terms and identifies factors influencing them during information retrieval interactions. Three types of changes are identified and seven main types of interactive feedback are developed as a framework to examine the factors influencing these changes. Implications for interface design of information retrieval systems and for further research are discussed.

Keywords Information retrievalInformation seeking behaviorInteractive feedbacksearch termUser studies
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序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2002
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.6 No.1
作者 張陳基
作者任職單位 南亞技術學院

隨著網路資源的盛行,讀者所接觸之資訊來源也漸趨多元化,各種資料來源、類型以及使用方式也對讀者造成沉重的負擔。圖書館基於提供資訊服務的立場上,除了為讀者整理網路資源之外,也應該思考如何為讀者提供一種簡單而易用的檢索方式,設計規劃一多元化資訊檢索介面,整合各項資訊來源,將各種資料之查詢介面整合在圖書館WebPAC查詢介面中。本文將介紹利用Open URL技術及編碼原則,透過不同系統的查詢指令分析,將讀者所查詢的字串直接傳送至其他資料來源伺服器上,除了可以為讀者蒐集資訊資源之外,更進一步為讀者提供整合式檢索介面,方便讀者查詢資料。以南亞技術學院圖書館WebPAC為個案研究,依實際需求整合各項資訊來源,除了建立個別圖書館特色的檢索介面,並且可以引導讀者查詢相關資源。

關鍵字 多元化資訊數位圖書館資訊檢索開放式URL
頁碼 82-93
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Title The Design and Implementation of Integrated Interface for Information Retrieval System in Libraries
Author Chen-chi Chang
Author's title Nanya Institute of Technology

With the growth of the Internet, readers have access to a growing array of information resources. The number and variety of these resources, however, have created new difficulties for users. Based on its commitment to information services, the library has collected resources and designed a simple way to retrieve various sorts of information. To integrate the information retrieval interface, we employ an OpenURL to automate the transfer of the user's query to different information servers. Nanya Library's WebPAC integrates information resources, including nearby university collections, electronic books, and Internet bookstores.

Keywords Digital Librarieshybrid informationInformation retrievalopenURL
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序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2003
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.7 No.2
作者 蔣禮芸
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館


關鍵字 智慧型檢索技術自然語言處理技術資訊擷取資訊檢索
頁碼 191-205
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Title A Survey of Information Extraction
Author Li-yun Chiang
Author's title National Taiwan University Library

With the new techniques and methods, the development of information retrieval has entered a new stage. The first part of this paper examines the development of information retrieval and information service and the second part concentrates on the purpose, methods, and applications of information extraction.

Keywords Information extractionInformation retrievalIntelligent information retrievalNatural language process
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2003
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.7 No.2
作者 黃慕萱
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系


關鍵字 問題資訊檢索資訊需求
頁碼 16-36
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Title A Comparison of Question Classifications between End-users and Project Searchers
Author Mu-hsuan Huang
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, NTU

The project is designed to analyze the difference of question classifications between two groups of people: the end-users who have real information needs and the prohect searchers. Ten end-users address their search questions and proceed to do the search, while 31-project searchers conduct 59 times of searching on the ten questions posed by the end-users. The main purpose of this paper is to compare the classification differences of the search questions in terms of their complexity, specificity, and presupposition. The result of this study reveals that the project searchers not only perceive the questions in a more complex and specific way but also tend to proceed the search directly by using presuppositions of questions.

Keywords Information needInformation retrievalQuestion
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