Library automation


序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.1 No.2
作者 王梅玲
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系兼任副教授


關鍵字 全面品質管理再生工程圖書館自動化大學圖書館技術服務組織重整重組電子圖書館
頁碼 29-52
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Title Reorganization of Technical Services in University Libraries
Author Mei ling Wang
Author's title Associate Professor Department of Library and Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

Many university libraries have installed integrated library automation systems since 1980. As library automation has brought a lot of changes traditional library organizations and procedures don't meet the needs of libraries. Many university libraries undertake reorganization of technical services. This paper mainly discusses the reorganization of technical services in university libraries. First fundamental theories on library organization are reviewed. Second six important issues which modern university libraries face are explored. Third ten examples of reorganization of technical services in American university libraries are given detailed description. Fourth the present organizations and problems of technical services in Taiwan university libraries are reported. Finally the paper arrives at conclusions and makes suggestions.

Keywords Electronic libraryLibrary automationReengineeringReorganizationRestructuringTechnical servicesTotal quality managementTQMUniversity libraries
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序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2002
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.6 No.2
作者 朱碧靜
作者任職單位 國立中央大學圖書館採編組


關鍵字 圖書館自動化契約管理社會關係
頁碼 122-135
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Title A Study on the Interactive Relationship Between Library and System Vendor - From Contractual Obligation and Social Relationship Perspectives
Author Piching Chu
Author's title Acquisitions and Cataloging Department National Central University Library

The progress and effectiveness of library automation system is definitely dependent on the smooth interaction between the library and the system vendor. This article tries to explore this interaction from contractual obligation and social relationship perspectives. Based on questionnaire and interview studies, the results are presented and suggestions are made.

Keywords contractual obligationLibrary automationsocial relationship
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序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2004
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.8 No.1
作者 魏令芳;丁原基
作者任職單位 東吳大學圖書館編目組組長;東吳大學圖書館館長

圖書館是一個成長的有機體,為因應科技的進步,必須不斷的將新的科技與作業管理方式引進圖書館,其中以圖書館的自動化系統首當其衝。自動化系統是一種市場商品,有其引進、急速成長、成熟與衰退生命週期,持續的自動化系統轉換是一種生命的事實,亦如美國學者笛加納瑞(Richard De Gennaro)所言,圖書館自動化系統正如一支 移動中的靶(a Moving target),面對資訊科技的持續翻新,圖書館也必須定期的更新圖書館自動化相關技術與統訊息。汲取自動化新知是圖書館學界應定期審視的課題,因此本文擬先對圖書館自動化系統更新之意義與發展特徵進行文獻分析,最後以全國圖書書目資訊網與東吳大學圖書館系統轉換為例,說明系統轉換之過程及問題,提供圖書館同道參考。

關鍵字 全國圖書書目資訊網圖書館自動化東吳大學系統轉換
頁碼 71-91
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Title System Migration in NBINet and Soochow University Library
Author Ling-fang Wei; Yuan-jee Ding
Author's title Head, Cataloguing Division, Soochow University Library; Director, Soochow University Library

Libraries have to update and upgrade their systems as the cyclical migration to new system has become a fact of life. In this paper, we attempt to review system migration focusing its definition, history and trend in the development. Two case reports of NBINet and Soochow University Library and basic resources for updating are also contained as well as listing for our references.

Keywords Library automationNBINetScoochoq Universitysystem migration
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