User satisfaction


序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2011
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.15 No.2
作者 洪翠錨
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館視聽服務組館員


關鍵字 多媒體服務中心大學圖書館滿意度調查視聽服務
頁碼 171-194
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2011.15-2.09
Title The Study of User Satisfaction in the Multimedia Center of the National Taiwan University Library
Author Tsui Mao Hung
Author's title Librarian, Multimedia Services Department,National Taiwan University Library

The study examines the user’s satisfaction level with the Multimedia Center of the National Taiwan University Library. Conducted in 2009, the survey aims to analyze users' characteristics, perception and satisfaction with the services, collection, and environment of the Multimedia Center. The results show that undergraduates are the most frequent users. The majority are from the College of Liberal Arts. The main purpose of using the center is for entertainment, followed by learning and research. Generally users are satisfied with the multimedia services. They are pleased with the cozy, commodious space and the always friendly and approachable staff. Yet it is found that many users hope to improve the arrangement of the course reserve collection and Information on Demand (IOD) services. Compared with the previous study in 2001, the current research shows similar findings such as students of the College of Liberal Arts are top users, and entertainment remains the top choice. Presently users are more satisfied with the collection as well as the overall services of the Multimedia Center of the library.

Keywords Audio visual servicesMultimedia centerUniversity libraryUser satisfaction
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2011.15-2.09

從LibQUAL+ 探討我國大學圖書館服務品質評量

序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2007
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.11 No.2
作者 林鈺雯;范豪英
作者任職單位 朝陽科技大學波錠紀念圖書館館員;國立中興大學圖書資訊學研究所教授

大學圖書館身負支援學術研究與教學的使命,追求卓越的服務品質,對於提振大學學術研究的風氣是一大助益。而以讀者為導向的服務品質評量正是幫助圖書館瞭解讀者評價與看法的最佳途徑之一,對於提昇服務品質具有正面效益。本研究以LibQUAL+ 評量工具為基礎,考量國內大學圖書館環境,以內容分析法、讀者訪談及問卷調查等方法,研究符合我國大學圖書館需求且具體可行的服務品質評量指標,並探討國內大學圖書館實施服務品質評量的情形以及對於實施服務品質評量的看法與期望,俾供日後評量服務品質之參考。

頁碼 19-44
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Title A Study of Service Quality Assessment in University Libraries in Taiwan from the Perspective of LibQUAL+
Author Yu-wen Lin; Ellen F Liu
Author's title Reference Librarian, Chaoyang University of Technology Poding Memorial Library; Professor, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science, National Chung Hsing University

University libraries that provide quality service would enhance academic research on campus. User-oriented assessments on service quality serve as a tool to help libraries understand readers' needs and opinions. The authors attempted to develop a set of workable assessment indicators based on LibQUAL+ to reflect the university library set-up in Taiwan. Content analysis, interviews, and questionnaires were used to find the essential items in service quality assessment for university libraries. Questionnaires were also used to investigate the implementation of service quality assessments for university libraries, and to collect opinions on selected issues.

Keywords LibQUAL+Service qualityService quality assessmentUniversity librariesUser satisfaction
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序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2009
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.13 No.2
作者 張慈玲;韓竹平
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館編審;國立臺灣大學圖書館顧問


關鍵字 LibQUAL+使用者滿意度大學圖書館服務品質評量
頁碼 136-163
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009-13-2.06
Title Assessing the Service Quality of the University Library from the Perspective of Users: A Survey at the National Taiwan University Library
Author Tze-ling Chang; Chu-ping Han
Author's title Librarian, National Taiwan University Library; Consultant, National Taiwan University Library

In order to understand users’ opinions regarding the quality of service at the National Taiwan University Library, a survey was conducted through questionnaires distributed from May 25th to June 8th in 2009. Using the survey tool, LibQUAL+, respondents were asked 22 questions about their needs, expectations and actual experiences relating to the library’s collections and resources, the physical environment and library facilities, and the quality of services. Furthermore, another four questions that focused on the satisfaction level of the overall quality were also asked. The evaluations were rated on a scale of 1 to 9. There were 5,948 valid questionnaires in total. In addition to analyses on basic information, the responses to all 22 questions were analyzed. The results were presented in tables and graphs to show scores for minimum expectation, satisfaction, maximum expectation, acceptability, and flawlessness. The conclusion and suggestions made based on the survey will serve as guidelines for future management and development of the NTU library.

Keywords AssessmentLibQUAL+Service qualityUniversity librariesUser satisfaction
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009-13-2.06