

序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2007
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.11 No.2
作者 張慈玲
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館館員

由於電子資源蓬勃興起,大學圖書館紛紛引進以滿足師生教學研究之需求,然同時預算規模卻未見增加,加以電子資源市場,尤其是電子期刊部份,每年皆以平均7%~10%漲幅成長,使得圖書館對電子期刊使用及其效益,需要有更清楚的了解與掌握。本研究目的希望能探討電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑相關理論與研究,以ARL E-Metrics計畫為基礎,對大學圖書館電子期刊提出績效評鑑模式芻議與實證分析。

頁碼 143-165
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Title E-Metrics Assessment Model for the Study of Electronic Journals in University Libraries
Author Tze-Ling Chang
Author's title Librarian, National Taiwan University Library

Due to the fast growth of electronic resources, there is a trend for university libraries to acquire such resources to meet the research needs of their users. The libraries' expenditure for electronic resources, especially electronic journals, has been growing at an average rate of 7% to 10% each year, an increase unmatched by the yearly budget. Therefore, it is important for libraries to identify the real usage of the acquired electronic journals, and their benefit to researches at the institution. Through empirical analysis, this study aims to formulate an assessment model for a library's subscription of electronic journals.

Keywords AssessmentE-MetricsElectronic Journal (E-Journal)Electronic resourcesUniversity libraries
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序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2005
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.9 No.1
作者 于第
作者任職單位 景文科技大學應用英語系


關鍵字 教學評量評量資訊素養資訊素養教學
頁碼 49-67
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Title A Study of Evaluation on the Instruction of Information Literacy
Author Ti Yu
Author's title Department of Applied English, Jinwen University of Science and Technology

Aiming to provide teachers and librarians a useful reference instructional activities on information literacy, this study describes the importance of evaluation on instruction and profiles several approaches are contextualized from both teacher and learner perspectives and elaborated with examples. Summary and recommendations are made for implementing these evaluations.

Keywords AssessmentEvaluationinformation literacyInformation literacy instructionInstructional evaluation
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序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2009
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.13 No.2
作者 張慈玲;韓竹平
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館編審;國立臺灣大學圖書館顧問


關鍵字 LibQUAL+使用者滿意度大學圖書館服務品質評量
頁碼 136-163
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009-13-2.06
Title Assessing the Service Quality of the University Library from the Perspective of Users: A Survey at the National Taiwan University Library
Author Tze-ling Chang; Chu-ping Han
Author's title Librarian, National Taiwan University Library; Consultant, National Taiwan University Library

In order to understand users’ opinions regarding the quality of service at the National Taiwan University Library, a survey was conducted through questionnaires distributed from May 25th to June 8th in 2009. Using the survey tool, LibQUAL+, respondents were asked 22 questions about their needs, expectations and actual experiences relating to the library’s collections and resources, the physical environment and library facilities, and the quality of services. Furthermore, another four questions that focused on the satisfaction level of the overall quality were also asked. The evaluations were rated on a scale of 1 to 9. There were 5,948 valid questionnaires in total. In addition to analyses on basic information, the responses to all 22 questions were analyzed. The results were presented in tables and graphs to show scores for minimum expectation, satisfaction, maximum expectation, acceptability, and flawlessness. The conclusion and suggestions made based on the survey will serve as guidelines for future management and development of the NTU library.

Keywords AssessmentLibQUAL+Service qualityUniversity librariesUser satisfaction
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009-13-2.06