

序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.1 No.2
作者 涂曉晴
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學醫學院圖書分館


關鍵字 參考服務大學校院圖書館網際網路網際網路利用教育網際網路參考資源
頁碼 123-140
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Title The Research on the Reference Services through Using the Internet among Taiwan's Universities & Colleges' Libraries
Author Yu sheng Liao
Author's title Medical Library, National Taiwan University

Nowadays it is a trend for libraries to provide reference services through the Internet. Libraries have to change the way of and the attitude toward reference service to develop new information services and to upgrade the quality of services. There are lots of documents dealing with the influence of reference service on the Internet. In Taiwan however there are few documents discussing this issue. Thus we do not know much about how the Internet is used to provide reference services in the libraries in Taiwan. This article is intended to research the conditions under which the Internet is being used in providing reference services in the libraries in Taiwan. Furthermore the author also provides some suggestions for the university and college libraries in Taiwan to adequately provide reference services via the Internet and to promote information services.

Keywords College libraryInternetInternet reference resourcesInternet user instructionReference servicesUniversity library
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1998
出版月份 1月
卷期 Vol.2 No.1
作者 陳雪華
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館學系暨研究所教授兼系主任、所長


關鍵字 利用教育大學校院圖書館網路資源
頁碼 4-14
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Title A Study on the Implementation of Internet Resources User Education in University Libraries in Taiwan
Author Hsueh-Hua Chen
Author's title Professor and Chairman, Dept. and Graduate Institute of Library Science, National Taiwan University

Many differences exist between information resources on the Internet and those in traditional libraries. In order to satisfy user needs and to achieve the functions of education in the coming era of information network, libraries have to explore the influences of Internet resources on the readers as well as to survey the contents and methods of user education of Internet resources. This area of study is relatively new in Taiwan, thus the author would examine the present situation of user education of Internet resources in the university and college libraries in Taiwan and then provide some suggestions for the future studies in this field.

Keywords Internet ResourcesUniversity librariesUser Education
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