

序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2012
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.16 No.2
作者 童敏惠
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館推廣服務組組長

大學圖書館的任務在於支援教學、學習與研究,為使學生能善用資源促進學習,圖書館利用教育乃為大學圖書館重要工作之一。為吸引學生的學習興趣,早於 1980年代即有圖書館應用電腦遊戲以實施圖書館利用指導教育的例子,而現今在網路與數位科技已成為生活一部分的時代裏,遊戲更是年輕學子的最愛。有鑑於此,國立臺灣大學圖書館遂於 2011年推出「探索遊樂園」線上遊戲,期以寓教於樂的方式教導大一新生認識與利用圖書館的服務和資源。本文主要從圖書館實務工作的觀點出發,首先簡介美國各大學圖書館應用電腦遊戲或線上遊戲以實施圖書館利用教育的情況和實務案例,繼而以國立臺灣大學圖書館推出的「探索遊樂園」為例,敘述其建置過程、遊戲內容的教學設計及粗淺的讀者使用調查結果,試圖經由工作上的實務運作,探討以線上遊戲方式來實施圖書館利用教育是否能達成吸引學生興趣之目的,並將此實務經驗提供給圖書館界同道參考。

關鍵字 圖書館利用圖書館遊戲大學圖書館資訊素養遊戲式學習
頁碼 125-148
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2012-16-2.07
Title Library Instruction through Library Games in Academic Libraries
Author Miin-Huei Tung
Author's title Head, Reference & Extension Services Department, National Taiwan University Library

Teaching undergraduate students how to use the library is one of the important tasks of academic libraries. To attract freshmen to participate in a library instruction program or information literacy program, there are many university libraries that have designed computer games, web-based games, digital games, or online games in the United States of America. In September 2011, National Taiwan University Library released a new e-learning course called “NTUL Wonderland” for incoming students’ library instruction program. This article introduces several cases of using online games for teaching information literacy and library skills in American universities, and then, describes the development, implementation, and users’ satisfaction survey of “NTUL Wonderland” at National Taiwan University.

Keywords academic librariesgame-based learninginformation literacylibrary gamelibrary instruction
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2012-16-2.07


序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 10月
卷期 Vol.1 No.4
作者 童敏惠
作者任職單位 臺灣大學文學院圖書分館主任


關鍵字 多媒體服務中心媒體中心媒體專家媒體服務視聽服務
頁碼 80-93
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Author Miin-Huei Tung
Author's title Head, Humanities Collection, National Taiwan University Library

Recently, Due to the rapid development of computer and telecommunication technology, many kinds of new media, such as CD-ROM, VCD, Interactive software, etc. are appeared and which are greatly impacting on the society. In the coming information and multimedia age, the universtiy libraries must provides new media collections and services to meet the teaching ,learning & research needs. The purpose of this paper is to discuss what kinds of audio-visual and media services shall be provided by the university library in the information age. Firstly, the author emphasizes the importance of AV & media resources in instructional process; Secondly, interduces the role of university library media center; and finally, describes the future planning of media services at the National Taiwan University Library.

Keywords Audio-Visual ServicesLibrary Media SpecialistMultimedia centerMultimedia ServicesLibrary Media Center
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序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.4 No.2
作者 童敏惠
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館視聽服務組


關鍵字 參考服務數位圖書館數位媒體
頁碼 132-146
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Title The Application of Digital Media in Libraries: Some Thoughts on Reference Services in Digital Libraries
Author Miin-huei Tung
Author's title Multimedia Service Department, National Taiwan University Library

With the emergence of new technologies that provide multimedia network services, libraries are no longer the lone providers of information. If libraries hope to lead information providers, libraries must understand the trend of digital media services and create new reference services for digital libraries in the future. Some reflections on new reference services, such as Course on Demand, Video Conferencing Reference Service, Virtual Library Tour, E-reference and online broadcasting service are introduced in the article.

Keywords Digital libraryDigital mediaReference service
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序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2009
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.13 No.1
作者 童敏惠
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館推廣服務組組長

近年來,由於網際網路的使用、電子資源崛起,以及經費縮減和講求績效管理等影響下,致使許多圖書館面臨必須進行評量以證明其價值及營運績效。評量和證明圖書館價值有很多方法,但投資報酬(Return on Investment) 評量不失為一種能令人一目了然且直接的方式。拫據期刊文獻,國外已有許多採用ROI來評量其價值的實例,但多為公共圖書館及國家圖書館,而少有大學圖書館使用此方法。本文嘗試模仿及借用美國佛羅里達州冬園公共圖書館(Winter Park Public Library)以不同於以往著重於 述館藏特色和數量的評量方式,而採用將服務予以定價進而計算其服務價值之投資報酬(ROI)方式,將其試用於大學圖書館,並以某大學圖書館為實驗對象,藉以檢視大學圖書館的價值。

關鍵字 圖書館價值圖書館評量大學圖書館投資報酬績效評量
頁碼 107-122
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009.13-1.05
Title The Evaluation of University Libraries Using ROI Assessment
Author Miin-Huei Tung
Author's title Head, Reference & Extension Service Department, NTU Library

It is not easy to assess and demonstrate the value of a library, especially an academic library. Among the many methods in use, Return on Investment (ROI) proves to be one of the most straightforward. In this article, the author adopted the ROI assessment model used by Winter Park Public Library in Florida, U.S.A. and applied it to a university library in order to assess its effectiveness as a means of evaluating academic libraries more generally.

Keywords Library assessmentLibrary valueReturn on investmentROI
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009.13-1.05