

序號 7
刊名 2
年份 2006
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.10 No.2
作者 郭良文;林素甘;曾欣怡
作者任職單位 交通大學傳播研究所、傳播與科技學系教授;淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系助理教授;數位典藏國家型計畫聯合目錄計畫助理

本文針對傳播資料的概念特性與結構特質,探討純文字、動態影像、靜態影像與聲音等四大類型傳播資料 metadata 之建置。一般常使用的都柏林核心集(Dublin Core),所運用的十五項 metadata 欄位,乃針對廣泛適用的資料所設計,雖然涵蓋項目多、流通廣泛,但其欄位卻無法滿足動態性與複雜性高的傳播媒體資料內涵。本文針對傳播媒體資料特性,提出建置 metadata 的考量因素。就基本概念的部分而言,本文說明傳播資料的複雜性、聚合性、即時性、連續性、互文性、超文本特性與多義性。其次,本文亦從資料結構特質的角度,針對傳播領域中的報紙新聞(純文字)、電影紀錄片(動態影像)、報紙新聞版面(靜態影像)與廣播(聲音)等 metadata 的建置,援引案例進行討論、並提出不同類型傳播資料可考慮建置之欄位,以捕捉傳播資料的特質。

關鍵字 傳播資料後設資料數位典藏詮釋資料
頁碼 122-141
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Title Rethinking Metadata Format from the Data of Media and Communication
Author Liang-wen Kuo; Su-kan Lin; Chin-i Tseung
Author's title Professor, Graduate Institute of Communication Studies, National Chiao Tung University; Assistant Professor, Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University; Research Assistant, Union Catalog of National Digital Archives Program

This paper discusses the fundamental concepts and structures of communication data in terms of the metadata format of the following four types: text, motion images, still images and sound. Due to Dublin Core's lack of account on the dynamic aspects of media and communication data, an analysis of the nature of communication data is proposed. Seven characteristics of fundamental concepts are discussed: complexity, convergence, spontaneity, continuity, intertextuality, hypertextuality and polygamy. Accompanied by examples, each of the above mentioned data type is also explained in terms of the considering factors of metadata format of each of media types.

Keywords Communication datadigital archivesMedia metadataMetadata
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從使用者觀點探討古文書及檔案之使用: 以平埔研究人員為例

序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 7月
卷期 Vol.3 No.3
作者 林珊如;李郁雅
作者任職單位 國立台灣大學圖書資訊學系副教授;國立台灣大學圖書資訊學系碩士班三年級


關鍵字 使用者研究數位圖書館自然探究法詮釋資料資訊搜尋與使用行為資訊需求
頁碼 65-80
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Title Exploring Information Use of Historical Records and Archives: From the User’s Point of View.
Author Shan-ju Lin Chang; Yu-ya Lee
Author's title Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science; Graduate Student Department of Library and Information Science

As a part of the national effort towards developing digital libraries, the NTU DL/M project has the initial goal of digitizing the scare historical records of Taiwan collected in the National Taiwan University Library, and some special collections from the Department of Anthropology, such as maps, photos, and articles of ethnic Taiwanese groups. These collections are raw materials valuable to the research community. But how those scholars or researchers make use of such a DL, especially how they interact with the information provided, is an important issue that has not been addressed. This paper reports the study of Taiwan research scholars, their tasks, activities and interactions with various resources. The results reveal why and how those scholars apply the tacit knowledge to their activities in order to acccomplish their tasks and in their use of resources such as historical records. Implications for system design and information organization are also discussed.

Keywords Digital LibrariesInformation needsInformation seekingInformation useMetadataNaturalistic inquiryUser studies
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中文史料資訊 Z39.50 Profile的設計 (附錄)

序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 1月
卷期 Vol.3 No.1
作者 陳昭珍
作者任職單位 國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系副教授

本文主要之目的,在說明metadata與Z39.50之內涵、探討metadata與Z39.50的關係,以及如何以Z39.50相關標籤集(TagSet-M, TagSet-G)及MICI TagSet ,來設計MICI Z39.50 Profile,以便能跨領域查詢及交換記錄。

關鍵字 史料資訊詮釋資料資訊查尋與檢索協定資訊查尋與檢索協定應用規範
頁碼 29-54
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Title On the Design of MICI Z39.50 Profile
Author Chao-chen Chen
Author's title Associate Professor, Department of Adult and Continuing Education, National Taiwan Normal University

The purpose of this article is two-folds: (1) to study the meanings of metadata and Z39.50 and their relationship, (2) to explain how to develop MICI Z39.50 Profile with Z39.50 TagSet-M, TagSet-G and MICI TagSet aiming to exchange records among cross-domain metadata.

Keywords Historical InformationMetadataMICI (Metadata for Chinese Information)Z39.50Z39.50 Profile
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序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 1月
卷期 Vol.3 No.1
作者 陳瑩芳
作者任職單位 台大圖書資訊學研究所碩士班研究生


關鍵字 政府資訊指引服務詮釋資料
頁碼 69-88
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Title U.S. Government Information Locator Service: Development and Metadata
Author Ying Fang Chen
Author's title Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University

In order to downsizing government organization and promoting administrative effectiveness, and providing convenient, specific retrieval organism for people, United States government develop Government Information Locator Service (GILS). This paper discusses the development and metadata of GILS and then provide some suggestions for the future studies in this field.

Keywords MetadataU.S. GILS
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 1月
卷期 Vol.3 No.1
作者 陳雪華
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系教授兼系主任


關鍵字 博物館資訊交換協會數位博物館詮釋資料都柏林核心集
頁碼 4-16
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Title The Study of Information Organization for Digital Museums
Author Hsueh-hua Chen
Author's title Professor and Chairman, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University

Internet has become a worldwide trend; however, quality of contents varies greatly. In an effort to enhance and improve the web contents, it is very important to digitize museum collections. This paper discusses the types and attributes of museum collections, and the development of metadata for digital museum collections, thus to provide some reference for Taiwan’s museum community in formulating its metadata.

Keywords CIMIdigital museumDublin CoreMetadata
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序號 3
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 1月
卷期 Vol.3 No.1
作者 陳光華
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系助理教授


關鍵字 元資料資訊擷取資訊檢索
頁碼 17-28
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Title The Core Technique for Information Retrieval
Author Kuang-hua Chen
Author's title Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University

The purpose of researches for information retrieval is to fulfill the information need. The various techniques for information retrieval are proposed to adapt to the diversified information types. This paper manages to deliberate the importance of metadata and suggests that information retrieval via metadata be applied to various types of information. From this viewpoint, the technique of information retrieval via metadata could be regarded as the core technique. In addition, the author also discusses three levels of metadata: statically authority-controlled metadata, dynamically authority-controlled metadata, and user-oriented metadata.

Keywords Information extractionInformation retrievalMetadata
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中文史料資訊 Z39.50 Profile的設計

序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 1月
卷期 Vol.3 No.1
作者 陳昭珍
作者任職單位 國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系副教授

本文主要之目的,在說明metadata與Z39.50之內涵、探討metadata與Z39.50的關係,以及如何以Z39.50相關標籤集(TagSet-M, TagSet-G)及MICI TagSet ,來設計MICI Z39.50 Profile,以便能跨領域查詢及交換記錄。

關鍵字 史料資訊詮釋資料資訊查尋與檢索協定資訊查尋與檢索協定應用規範
頁碼 29-54
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Title On the Design of MICI Z39.50 Profile
Author Chao-chen Chen
Author's title Associate Professor, Department of Adult and Continuing Education, National Taiwan Normal University

The purpose of this article is two-folds: (1) to study the meanings of metadata and Z39.50 and their relationship, (2) to explain how to develop MICI Z39.50 Profile with Z39.50 TagSet-M, TagSet-G and MICI TagSet aiming to exchange records among cross-domain metadata.

Keywords Historical InformationMetadataMICI (Metadata for Chinese Information)Z39.50Z39.50 Profile
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.5 No.2
作者 陳昭珍
作者任職單位 國家圖書館


關鍵字 數位博物館數位圖書館系統詮釋資料格式
頁碼 12-24
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Title The Theory and Practice of Design of Metadata and Digital Library System
Author Chao-chen Che
Author's title National Central Library

Among the many technologies applied in digital library system, metadata and XML prove to be the core technologies involved in the development of this system. This paper first introduces the current development of metadata in Taiwan and then describes the process of the metadata development of Metalogy and the concepts and functions of this management system.

Keywords Digital libraryDigital library systemMetadataMetalogyXML
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序號 1
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.5 No.2
作者 陳和琴
作者任職單位 淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系


關鍵字 數位典藏數位化資料保存詮釋資料
頁碼 2-11
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Title The Research on Metadata and Digital Preservation
Author Ho-Chin Chen
Author's title Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University

It is now widely accepted that metadata is a key part of digital preservation strategies. The purpose of this paper is to examine issues related to the preservation metadata. The paper begins by describing the uses of metadata and clarifying key concepts of digital preservation, the moves into the development of existing preservation metadata projects and the specification of preservation metadata elements.

Keywords Digital preservationMetadataPreservation metadata
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序號 4
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 柯皓仁;黃夙賢;楊維邦
作者任職單位 交通大學圖書館;國立交通大學資訊科學研究所;交通大學圖書館

詮釋資料通常用來描述數位圖書館藏品資源的特性,本文則是取詮釋資料最廣義的解釋─Data About Data,並將詮釋資料應用在數位圖書館系統間的互通。本文首先針對數位圖書館互通性下一定義,並介紹數位圖書館互通性的相關議題和方案。其次則是以Stanford數位圖書館計畫為例,說明詮釋資料在數位圖書館系統互通性上能夠扮演的角色。文中並闡述交通大學圖書館為解決數位圖書館互通性問題所提出的詮釋資料建構語言,並以交通大學圖書館虛擬聯合目錄系統來驗證詮釋資料建構語言的可行性。

關鍵字 數位圖書館數位圖書館互通性詮釋資料詮釋資料建構語言
頁碼 49-78
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Title The Study of Interoperability of Digital Libraries with Metadata
Author Hao-ren Ke; Su-shang Huang; Wei-pang Yang
Author's title National Chiao Tung University Library; Institute of Computer and Information Science, National Chiao Tung University; National Chiao Tung University Library

The term “Metadata” is often used by information professions to refer to character the resources contained in a digital library. This paper adopts the broadest meaning of “Metadata”--Data about Data, and applies metadata to facilitate the inter-operation among digital library systems. It first defines digital library interoperability, its related issues and approaches. Then, citing as an instance the Stanford Digital Library Project to describe the roles that metadata can play in handling digital library interoperability. This paper also describes how National Chiao Tung University has tried to solve the problem of handling digital library interoperability by proposing the Metadata Modeling Language (MML), which is a language to define the metadata of digital-library contents and services, and define the translation of two kinds of metadata. Finally, a virtual union catalog system based on MML, called VUCS@NCTU, is implemented to vindicate the feasibility of MML.

Keywords Digital libraryDigital library interoperabilityMetadataMetadata modeling language
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