

序號 1
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 林麗娟
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系


關鍵字 主動學習批判式思考網路學習資訊科技資訊素養
頁碼 2-15
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Title Information Literacy and Learning in the New Millennium: A Web-based Learning Approach
Author Lih-juan ChanLin
Author's title Department of Library & Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

With the advent of Internet, learning environment in the new millennium is expanding beyond traditional classroom. It is enlarged to incorporate students and experts from all over the world to share their learning experiences. Internet has changed the learning pattern of students. However, the quantity of the information resources available on Internet is so overwhelmingly abundant that some students don’t know how to explore them. Therefore, to promote active learning and to develop critical thinking among students, it has become a very important mission for modern educators to integrate information literacy into academic curriculum and with capability of solving problem. This paper discusses relevant issues concerning Internet learning, focusing on active learning and responsibility libraries should take. It also suggests some feasible methods of incorporating information literacy with problem-solving, critical thinking, on-line tutorial, curriculum integration, as well as the principles for promoting such a manner of teaching.

Keywords Active learningCritical thinkinginformation literacyInformational technologyWeb-based learning
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2002
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.6 No.2
作者 林麗娟;張淳淳
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系

以網路進行各種型式的教學日益普遍,網路在教學的應用上得以擴展。利用網路提供圖書資利用知識也逐漸的為許多圖書館使用。網路化教學可以突破時空的限制,達到教學的目的,而且也可以補足傳統面對面教學的不足。透過網際網路溝通的功能,例如:電子郵件、電子佈告欄、討論區、線上交談等功能,不但可以加速教學,而且能夠提供學生新型態的學習途徑,讓學生藉由網路,達成必要的學習互動,並增進資訊的交換與學習。 網路化學習固然使得學生、教師、館員之間的互動更具彈性,且不受時間與空間的限制,但在推廣與實施上仍然具有一些潛在的問題值得深入探討。本文的目的即在於藉由一大學網路化圖書資訊利用教學系統的開發與應用,討論網路化學習對於資訊素養推廣的潛力,以及在推廣上的瓶頸。

關鍵字 圖書館利用教育網路教學資訊素養高等教育
頁碼 31-43
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Title Development and Evaluation of a Web-Based Library Instruction
Author Lih-juan ChanLin; Chwen-chwen Chang
Author's title Department of Library & Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

With the increased popularity of WWW (World Wide Web) in various education settings, the application of web technology in teaching and learning is extended. Library instruction, likewise, is seeing a move to the web to supplement traditional modes of face-to-face classroom instruction. Placing library instruction on the web can make instruction available to users without the constraints of time and space. Through the use of technological tools, such as e-mail, bulletin board, discussion, and online-communication, effective learning and interaction can be achieved.Web-based learning provides a flexible way for communication among teachers, students, and librarians. However, potential problems exist in practice, requiring further exploration. The paper deals with how a web-based library instruction has been developed and implemented for offering fundamental information literacy instruction. Students' responses to the instructional materials were assessed. Issues related to the web-based library instruction are also discussed.

Keywords Higher educationinformation literacylibrary instructionWeb-based learning
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序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2004
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.8 No.1
作者 林麗娟
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系

過去幾十年來,各國醫學教育界廣泛的推動問題導向式學習(Problem-based Learning,簡稱PBL)。問題導向式學習的主要進行的方式在於透過一系列的問題,提供學生經驗的架框,並藉由解決實際環境中的問題,讓學生經由開放式的學習環境主動探索問題。新的科技的發展,尤其是網際網路所能提供的資訊廣度,更提供學生在問題導向式環境中新的學習機會。在問題導向式學習的環境中,圖書館所扮演的角色日益重要。如何幫助醫學專業的學生建立所需的資訊素養,讓他們能夠在PBL所提供之環境,進行彈性化、開放式,以及自導式的學習也成為醫學圖書館的要務之一。文中除了分析PBL的相關理論、實例之外,也提供了如何透過資訊素養的推廣落實PBL理念

關鍵字 問題導向學習網路學習資訊素養醫學教育
頁碼 31-43
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Title Integrating Information Literacy into Problem-based Learning for Medical Education
Author Lih-juan ChanLin
Author's title Department of Library & Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

Problem-based learning (PBL) has been widely implemented in medical education asan important pedagogical approach for the last decades. The PBL approach is intended tohelp the learner frame experience as a series of problems and skills to the solution of realproblems in the contexts of real practice. The advent of new technology, specially thewealth of information that can be accessed over the Internet, provides new opportunities oapply aproblem-based learning. As learning in medical schools moving towards Problembasedapproach, the role of library has become increasingly important. How to helpmedical professionals develop needed information literacy is essential to support learning inthe flexible, open, and self-directed learning environment offered by PBL. The paperReviews related theories and cases for PBL, and how information literacy can be integratedin PBL to enhance learning.

Keywords information literacymedical educationPBLproblem-based learningWeb-based learning
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序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2009
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.13 No.1
作者 沈佳敏;林麗娟
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系研究生;輔仁大學圖書資訊學系教授


關鍵字 參與動機圖書資訊志工服務專業成長志願服務服務學習
頁碼 139-165
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009.13-1.07
Title Motivation and Perspectives on Library Service Learning
Author Chia-Min Shen; Lih-Juan ChanLin
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, Fu-Jen Catholic University; Department of Library and Information Science, Fu-Jen Catholic University

This study examined students' views on the effect of library service learning activities on their professional growth as well as students' motivations for, and reasons against, participating in library service learning activities. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches, this study collected data on students' responses to library service learning activities. The study found that students's professional growth, as a result of library service learning activities, included "professional knowledge," "service value," and "social networking." Students' motivations for participating in library service learning activities included "knowledge and skills," "social experience," "social networking," "achievement and devotion," "community influence," and "self-growth." Students' reasons given for being against participating, included "external barrier," "internal barrier," and "social barrier." This study contributes to our understanding of students' perceived effectiveness of Library Service Learning and makes recommendations based on its findings for schools and students.

Keywords Library and information volunteer serviceMotivation for participationProfessional growthService-LearningVolunteer service
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009.13-1.07


序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2009
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.13 No.1
作者 鄭曉菁;林麗娟;謝美玲
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系研究生;輔仁大學圖書資訊學系教授;輔仁大學研究發展處,國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學研究所博士班學生


關鍵字 大學圖書館數位互動學習教室數位學習科技化學習資訊科技融入教學
頁碼 166-187
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009.13-1.08
Title The Use of the Library Digital Interactive Learning Classroom
Author Hsiao Ching Cheng; Lih-Juan ChanLin; Meiling Hsieh
Author's title Department of Library and Information Science, Fu-Jen Catholic University; Department of Library and Information Science, Fu-Jen Catholic University; Office of Research and Development, Fu-Jen Catholic University, PHD student, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University

This research explores the use of the Digital Interactive Learning Classroom at the Fu-Jen Catholic University Library by students of the College of Management. The classroom was used for collaborative learning, such as group discussions, experimental activities, and movie instructions. Most students considered the Digital Interactive Learning Classroom helpful to their learning, through collaborative learning, team work, and quick access to information. Students also commented that the Digital Interactive Learning Classroom could be used for courses requiring more discussion and practice. The learning space provided a flexible environment for discussion and interaction. The research showed that most students at the College of Management were positive about the facilities, especially the laptops, provided in the classroom. Many, however, needed faster Wi-Fi connection speed.

Keywords Digital Interactive Learning ClassroomTechnology integration in teachingUniversity library
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2009.13-1.08


序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2010
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.14 No.2
作者 林麗娟
作者任職單位 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系教授


關鍵字 圖書資訊教育就業職場滿意度課程高等教育
頁碼 27-47
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2010.14-2.02
Title Analysis of Alumni’s Reflections toward LIS Education and Their Job Satisfaction
Author Lih-Juan ChanLin
Author's title Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Fu-Jen Catholic University

To assess various aspects of LIS education and job satisfaction, a survey was conducted among alumni of the Department of Library and Information Science at Fu-Jen Catholic University. From a set of questionnaire items, with regard to “goal and curriculum”, “the space fulfilled my learning needs” was rated the highest, and “the courses offered satisfied my job needs” was the lowest. Among the items in competitive ability, job adaptability, and job satisfaction, “information literacy” was the most highly rated, and both “programming skills” and “foreign language proficiency” were the lowest rated for satisfaction. Comparison between library and other professionals, respondents’ reactions toward some of the items differed significantly. Open-ended suggestions for future curriculum design were also provided from qualitative data.

Keywords CurriculumHigher educationJob satisfactionLibrary and information education
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DOI 10.6146/univj.2010.14-2.02