

序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2014
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.18 No.2
作者 陳巧倫
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館學科服務組組員

2013 年臺大圖書館新成立學科服務組,期望透過學科館員作為與系所師生的聯繫窗口,並深入了解師生的需求,落實圖書館服務,增進支援師生教學、研究與學習上的效能。為此,臺大學科服務組於2013 年9 月推出「學科服務校園列車活動」,實際至各學院介紹圖書館的服務,進行使用者調查,以期了解師生們在教學、研究與學習上的需求以及對圖書館的期望。

關鍵字 大學圖書館學科服務資訊尋求行為
頁碼 166-179
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DOI doi.org/10.6146/univj.18-2.08
Title 國立臺灣大學研究生對圖書館學科服務使用情形初探
Author Chiao-Lun Chen
Author's title Librarian, Subject Services Division, National Taiwan University Library

The purpose of the study is to understand the information-seeking behavior and use of information resources by graduate students at the National Taiwan University, and to investigate the usage and satisfaction of subject services of NTU library. This study utilizes the survey data collected via a questionnaire completed by 404 graduate students. The study finds that there is a higher frequency of using electronic resources than print ources in the research process. It also finds that Google is the top choice for gathering information for coursework and research, followed by the library website. Among graduate students, the main purpose of visiting the library, which they only occasionally do, is to borrow printed books. Although there are different dimensions of subject service, the graduate students’ perception of subject services mainly focuses on reference services. Graduate students are generally satisfied with the subject services they have used. The investigation reveals that the general satisfaction level is close to 4 on a scale of 5 measurement for all subject services.

Keywords academic libraryInformation seeking behaviorsubject services
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DOI doi.org/10.6146/univj.18-2.08


序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2014
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.18 No.1
作者 傅彥儒;邱銘心
作者任職單位 國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所研究生;國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所助理教授


關鍵字 資訊尋求行為資訊需求銀髮族
頁碼 106-125
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DOI doi.org/10.6146/univj.18-1.06
Title Information Needs & Information Seeking Behaviors of ElderlyResidents in Pinxi District, New Taipei City
Author Yen-Ru Fu; Ming-Hsin Chiu
Author's title Graduate Student, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University; Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University

Pinxi District, New Taipei City, is called “the most elderly community in Taiwan”. This research investigates the life style, information needs, and information seeking behaviors of the elderly in Pinxi District by using participant observation and in-depth interview as research methods, in hopes of invastigating how to strengthen the capability of the elderly dwellers in Pinxi District in acquiring information. The result shows that: the lifestyle of the elderly simplifies their information needs, and the ways of their acquisition of health information needs to be improved urgently. In addition to personal information needs, they also have needs to access public issues in their community. Oral communication is the most important channel to transfer information. Physiological degeneration and environment limitation are the main barriers for the elderly to acquire information.

Keywords Information needsInformation seeking behaviorthe elderly
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DOI doi.org/10.6146/univj.18-1.06


序號 2
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2014
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.18 No.1
作者 張郁蔚;呂淑慧
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系助理教授;輔仁大學圖書資訊學研究所研究生

圖書館重視資訊的蒐集、傳布與利用,並以解決讀者資訊問題為主要工作任務,而身為資訊服務提供者之圖書館館員面對工作上之資訊問題時,其如何尋求資訊來解決問題是本研究之探討動機。依據16 位大學圖書館館員之訪談結果,發現大學圖書館館員之資訊需求種類與其工作任務密切相關。基於圖書資訊學課程之專業訓練,館員並無明顯之資訊尋求障礙。館員會透過多種管道取得資訊,但偏好自人際網絡尋求協助及使用網路資源蒐集資訊,而不同的工作任務及資訊尋求之緊急程度會影響館員之資訊管道使用。

關鍵字 大學圖書館館員資訊尋求行為資訊需求
頁碼 14-32
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DOI doi.org/10.6146/univj.18-1.02
Title A Study of Information Seeking Behavior of University Librariansin the Workplace
Author Yu-Wei Chang; Shu-Hui Lu
Author's title Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University; Graduate student, Department of Library and Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

The main missions of libraries are to gather and disseminate information and to assist users in solving information problems. To investigate the methods of seeking information used by librarians in dealing with their daily tasks in workplace, this study uses in-depth interviews to investigate the information needs and information-seeking behavior of 16 academic librarians in universities. The results show that the categories of the librarians’ information needs are highly associated with the requirements of their tasks. University librarians have no difficulty in finding information because of their Library and Information Science majors. Although librarians use numerous information sources to obtain information, they particularly rely on interpersonal network and the Internet. The type of tasks and the extent of emergency of an information need also affect information sources used by librarians.

Keywords Information needsInformation seeking behavioruniversity librarians
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DOI doi.org/10.6146/univj.18-1.02


序號 7
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1997
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.1 No.2
作者 黃慕萱
作者任職單位 國立台灣大學圖書館學系副教授


關鍵字 線上檢索資訊尋求行為錯誤
頁碼 95-110
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Title Error Analysis of End users in Online Searching: A Case Study of National Taiwan University
Author Mu-hsuan Huang
Author's title Associate Professor Department of Library Science, National Taiwan University

The purpose of this article is to analyze the searching behavior of end users.    The subjects are real end users from National Taiwan University. This article   uses the DIALOG command language as its searching tool. It attempts to     investigate reasons for errors and location of errors. In addition it tries to    identify reasons for zero posting and compare the behavior difference    between Chinese and American end users.

Keywords ErrorsInformation seeking behaviorOnline searching
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序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 1999
出版月份 4月
卷期 Vol.3 No.2
作者 陳明君
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館特藏組


關鍵字 光碟資料庫檢索技巧終端使用者資訊尋求行為資訊檢索
頁碼 127-156
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Title Studies in Search Tactics of End-Users in CD-ROM Searching
Author Ming-chun Chen
Author's title Special Collection Department, National Taiwan University Library

The purpose of this paper is to examine the search tactics of end-users in CD-ROM searching. At the beginning, researches on search tactics are reviewed. Then it presents the analysis of the search tactics of real end-users from National Taiwan University during searching PsycLIT CD-ROM. Finally, it compare the difference between the result of this study and the other relevant researches of this field. This paper intends to provide suggestions to education training, reference services and fundamental theories on information seeking behavior.

Keywords CD-ROMEnd-usersInformation searchInformation seeking behaviorSearch tactics
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序號 6
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 9月
卷期 Vol.4 No.2
作者 葉慶玲
作者任職單位 國立陽明大學圖書館採購編目組


關鍵字 讀者研究資訊尋求行為資訊需求
頁碼 93-114
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Title The Information Seeking Behaviors of Nurses
Author Ching-ling Yeh
Author's title Department of Technical Services, National Yang-Ming University Library

Nurses play a role as information managers in health care delivery. They provide information for medical decision-making to patients and their families, and to the members of health care teams. Information is important to nurses. Along with advances in medicine developments in technology, and changes in attitudes towards health, nurses must continue to participate in research programs, and obtain more professional knowledge to improve the quality of their work.
Through questionnaires, this research examines the information needs and information-seeking behaviors of nurses. Second, the skills needed for information processing and the resources most commonly used by the nurses are also discussed. Therefore, libraries can provide more useful and more efficient information services to nurses.

Keywords Information needsInformation seeking behaviorsUser's study
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序號 9
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2000
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.4 No.1
作者 黃怡如
作者任職單位 臺北縣政府教育局


關鍵字 互動回饋使用者研究檢索詞彙資訊尋求行為資訊檢索
頁碼 119-146
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Title An Analysis of Changes in Search Terms During Information Retrieval Interactions
Author Yi-ju Huang
Author's title Taipei County Education Bureau

This article explores types of changes in search terms and identifies factors influencing them during information retrieval interactions. Three types of changes are identified and seven main types of interactive feedback are developed as a framework to examine the factors influencing these changes. Implications for interface design of information retrieval systems and for further research are discussed.

Keywords Information retrievalInformation seeking behaviorInteractive feedbacksearch termUser studies
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序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2001
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.5 No.1
作者 王秀卿
作者任職單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館閱覽組

本文主要分析網路使用及資訊尋求行為之文獻。首先先探討資訊尋求行為之理論,將資訊尋求行為之理論應用於網路資訊尋求行為。本文將介紹之理論,包括Wilson、David Ellis、C. C. Kuhlthau等學者所發展的資訊尋求行為之模式。進而分析在過去研究中所得知之影響資訊尋求行為因素;最後則分析與網路資訊使用相關研究之研究項目。本文分為三部份:一、分析資訊尋求行為的理論;二、探討影響資訊尋求行為之因素;三、闡述網路使用的相關研究。

關鍵字 網路使用資訊尋求行為
頁碼 144-162
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Title Literature Review on Network Use and Information Seeking Behavior
Author Shiu-ching Wang
Author's title Circulation Department, National Taiwan University Library

This paper analyzes the documents of network use and information seeking behavior. First, it discusses the theories of information seeking behavior, models developed by Wilson David Ellis, and C. C. Kuhlthau. Then, it analyzes the factors known by past researches that influence information seeking behavior, with the intention to research whether such factors influence the information use and searching behavior. Last, it discusses research terms about network information use research. This paper is divided into three parts: 1.analyzing the theories of information seeking behavior; 2. discussing the factors that influence the information seeking behavior; 3. delineates researches about network use.

Keywords Information seeking behaviorNetwork use
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序號 8
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2004
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.8 No.1
作者 李惠萍;蘇諼
作者任職單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所籌備處圖書館約聘助理;輔仁大學圖書資訊學系


關鍵字 hotel and institutional management studentrestaurant資訊尋求行為資訊需求餐旅教育餐旅管理學系學生hospitality education
頁碼 147-166
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Title The study of Information Seeking Behavior among Students in Restaurant, Hotel, and Institutional Management
Author Hui-ping Lee; Shiuan Su
Author's title Assistant, Library of Institute of Taiwan History Preparatory Office, Academic Sinica; Department of Library & Information Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

In recent years, hospitality and tourism education has been prosperously developed in Taiwan. The number of students in Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management Department have increased over the years. However, their information needs and information seeking patterns have been ignored in the library and information science literature. In order to explore their interdisciplinary information needs, focus group interviews and questionnaire survey were utilized in 2003 in order to find out information seeking behavior of Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management Department Students at Fu-Jen Catholic University, and the results from the study are provided for improving the quality of library and information services to students and faculty in the hospitality education field.

Keywords hospitality educationhotel and institutional management studentInformation needsInformation seeking behaviorrestaurant
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序號 5
刊名 大學圖書館
年份 2004
出版月份 3月
卷期 Vol.8 No.1
作者 翁婉真;黃慕萱
作者任職單位 國立政治大學圖書館參考服務組;國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系


關鍵字 國小高年級學生網路資訊尋求行為資訊尋求行為
頁碼 92-106
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Title An Empirical Study of Internet Information Behavior of Elementary School Students in Their Senior Years
Author Wan-chen Weng; Mu-hsuan Huang
Author's title Department of Reference Service, NCCU Library; Department of Library and Information Science, NTU

This article investigates Internet information seeking behavior of elementary school students in their senior years from “Heti Elementary School” and “Taipei Municipal Teachers College Experimental Elementary School. ”Subjects are 32 senior grades students selected from the above two schools. “In-depth interview” and “critical incident technique” are used as the primary research methods. From the result of this study, we can infer that “school assignments” comprises the primary motive of elementary school students in their senior years. It is for this reason that most questions are asked by these pupils in relation to “school assignments.” Pupils frequently used “the Internet” and “parents” as their primary information resource channels. ”Kimo” was the search engine with the highest usage. During the information search process, pupils tended to perform “a single search” by “directly entering the search question” and “extracting the keyword and entering it.” It is the “directly entering the website address” and “selecting from the search engine’s list of contents” both of which involved using “a single search” that get the highest success rate. In addition, most of pupils believed that “convenient to use “ was the greatest advantage in using the Internet to search for information, while “could not find data” was the most commonly observed isadvantage.

Keywords Elementary school students in their senior yearsInformation seeking behaviorInternet information seeking behavior
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